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Memories In The Dark Page 17

  Oliver looked across at Helen without saying a word. She could tell he was considering things, he had made it clear that he wanted her to leave everything from her short time away from him behind in the past, but surely he understood she wouldn’t leave her friends behind too. She knew that Oliver wanted her to get back to the old Helen as quickly as possible, but that didn’t mean she was going to forget about Cathy and Juan, because she wouldn’t - they had been good friends to her, and always would be as far as she was concerned. She tried to ease his worries. “It will only be for a couple of days Oliver.” She said feeling the urge to go even stronger now she had suggested it. Helen frowned for a moment realising she was actually feeling homesick, but she didn’t understand how that could be considering she was home already!

  “When?” Oliver finally asked.

  “Tomorrow? Soon.” She smiled knowing she would win the discussion in the end - with her memory coming back she knew Oliver had never really told her what to do. He had objected to some things she had wanted to do, or places she had wanted to go to on the grounds of his wealth and their safety, but in the end she had always won him round.

  Oliver looked at Helen knowing that no matter what he said she would go anyway. She wasn’t a “Yes Sir, no Sir” type of woman, she had a very strong independent streak and sometimes he worried it would be her downfall.

  “Okay, but not tomorrow, and for just one day. There isn’t time for you to be away for longer at the moment - the boat launch is in full swing, and since it was your idea I want you to be here for it.”

  “Fair enough.” Helen agreed, she could see Oliver’s point of view and work did need to come first. She might be the boss’s fiancée but she still wanted to earn her own way, and she had a job to do. “I’ll go the day after tomorrow, that way I can make sure that nothing needs my attention in the office whilst I am gone. However it will take me hours to get there and back by train so I will need longer than one day. It will need to be two days.”

  “No problem, you can take the helicopter. I’ll have the pilot fly you to Benidorm, it will only take about an hour or so to get there.”

  “You really want me back the same day, don’t you?” Helen said understanding the restraints of work, but disappointed she was being tied by time.

  “Yes I do. Besides the fact that we are busy with the launch, I will miss you.” Oliver said smiling, and then he went back to reading his newspaper signalling that was the end of their discussion, and the decision has been made.

  Slightly disappointed Helen agreed. She wished she had more time, but one day would have to do for now, and it would be better than nothing. She sat back in her chair and smiled to herself, she was looking forward to seeing Cathy. Helen picked up her phone again and typed a message back:

  “Hi Cathy. You won’t have to wait long, I’m coming to see you on Thursday. Can’t wait to see you again. Helen x”

  Helen mentally went through her wardrobes at her apartment and Oliver’s house. She had always wanted to be able to repay Cathy for her kindness, but Cathy had refused the money Helen had offered to repay her for her clothes. Helen knew that even though Juan and Cathy made good money from their busy bar, having children meant that Cathy would always put them first and rarely thought about buying expensive things for herself. Helen was pleased she could finally come through on her wish - she had far more clothes than she needed or would probably ever find time to wear, so she wanted to pack some up and take them to Cathy. When Helen thought about how many clothes she had, and how much they must have been worth, she thought it was wasteful to have so many. But then again she understood that appearances were everything in Oliver’s line of business, and if they wanted to sell to the richest people, they would needed to look their very best and expensive clothes were part of that package.

  Helen spent Wednesday tying up things in her office, and then the rest of the day she spent in her apartment sorting out her wardrobe. She already had one large bag of clothes sorted before she stuffed the last items inside the second bag and zipped it up. She stood back and smiled, Cathy would look great in the clothes she had put inside, and she was sure she would like the two handbags she had manage to squeeze in too.

  Helen took the bags back to Oliver’s house, adding a few more items from her wardrobe in there too. It still bothered her that she didn’t know where her make-up bag had gone; she had searched through every wardrobe and cupboard in both her apartment and Oliver’s house but it still hadn’t turned up. Finally Helen resolved herself to the fact it was lost somewhere, and she went shopping to buy the items she now remembered she used to like, but it still troubled her that she had lost something so important to her and it hadn’t been in her handbag where it belonged. Helen thought fondly of her lost make-up bag - she now remembered her Mother giving it to her as a birthday present a long time ago, and even though it started to look a bit tatty with some of the multi-coloured sequins falling off the bright red material, she refused to change it for another one as it was one of the very few items she still had from her Mother.

  Oliver stood by the front door waiting for Helen. Instead of going to work early as he usually did, today he decided to stay behind to see Helen off - he had a car waiting to take her to the helipad for his helicopter to fly her to Benidorm for the day. Oliver took one look at the large holdalls in each of Helen’s hands, with her handbag slung over her shoulder, and she could immediately see the panic in his eyes.

  “What’s the matter Oliver?” She asked, and then Helen realised he was eyeing her large holdalls. “Oh don’t worry about these, I have a few things I would like to give to Cathy. She was very good to me and gave me some of her clothes when I had nothing at all. I want to return the favour now.”

  “So you are coming back then?” Oliver asked suspiciously, wondering if he should have sent someone to go with her after all, but he knew Helen would go mad if she thought he didn’t trust her or was having her followed.

  “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” She said seeing the immediate relief in Oliver’s eyes and felt guilty for worrying him again. She wondered how worried he must have been when he realised she was missing - he must have been out of his mind. “Don’t worry Oliver, whatever happened before, I am back now and I am here to stay.” She smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Good, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” He said giving her a big hug before letting her go, and Helen walked out the door to the waiting car.

  The helicopter ride wasn’t Helen’s favourite. She didn’t really like heights and she far preferred being in a big plane when she was in the air, rather than a small helicopter bobbing with every strong gust of wind. She decided she wasn’t looking forward to the return flight and considered taking the long train back instead. The helicopter landed just outside of Benidorm and Helen’s hire car was already waiting for her exactly as she had arranged. She waved goodbye to her pilot and put her bags into the boot of the hire car, driving off to Benidorm.


  It felt good to be driving along the coastal road into Benidorm. Helen let the wind blow through the open top of her convertible hire car and breathed in deeply feeling a sense of freedom and relief. She hadn’t realised how edgy she had been feeling in Estepona, always feeling like someone was around her, never really having a moment to herself. But then again she felt she only had herself to blame; after the scare she had given Oliver he was only worried for her safety and wellbeing. And then, when she finally did have the opportunity to be alone, she realised she didn’t take it because that would mean she was alone with her thoughts, which inevitably were about Romero - and that just plain hurt!

  Helen breathed in the warm morning air and looked at her watch. It was only ten o’clock and she knew Juan’s bar would be practically empty and now would be perfect for her and Cathy to catch up. She wondered if Romero was still asleep after working late into the night, or if he was running along the sea front just a few minutes ah
ead of her up the coast. Resisting the urge to keep on driving Helen pulled the car over and stopped outside Juan’s bar. She could see the morning breakfast trade was beginning to dwindle away and she excitedly pulled the large holdalls out of the boot of the car and headed off into the bar.

  “What’s this, no warm welcome home?” Helen joked as she reached the bar and saw Juan with his back to her.

  Juan spun around hearing Helen’s voice. “Hey stranger, good to see you.” He walked over and gave her a huge hug and a kiss on both cheeks. “What’s this, have you come to stay?” he looked at her big bags hopefully.

  “Oh no don’t worry it’s just some things I have for Cathy.” Helen said waving away the sweet thought of being back there for good.

  “We don’t mind, you can stay here anytime you want.” Juan said not joking. “Go on through to the back, Cathy’s been looking forward to seeing you since she got your text.”

  Helen walked through the bar and into the back, but before she could call out Cathy was already there with a huge smile on her face.

  “I thought I heard your voice. It’s great to see you. Wow, don’t you look good.” Cathy said as she stepped back and surveyed her friend. She thought she looked very good, and very expensive. Cathy caught sight of Helen’s hand and gasped as she saw the size of her yellow diamond engagement. “Helen!” She shrieked, she couldn’t believe how huge it was.

  “Oh, that.” Helen said pulling her hand away and wanting to change the subject. “Come on, I’ve got some things for you.”

  They walked through to the sitting room.

  “Where are the children?” She asked wondering why it was so quiet and empty in the house.

  “They’re in nursery and school. I’ll go and get them when it’s pick up time.”

  Helen nodded putting her holdalls on the table and quickly explained as she saw the look on Cathy’s face, “Oh no, this isn’t mine, these are for you. I wanted to return the favour - you didn’t even know me when you gave me that bag of clothes. So, since you gave me some of your clothes, now I am giving you some of mine.” Helen opened the bag and started to pull out clothes and laid them on the sofa for Cathy to see. She loved watching her friend’s face as she pulled them out one by one.

  “Wow, that must be some life you have. Well, had before I mean.” Cathy said referring to the ring on her finger and the expensive clothes and handbags.

  “To be honest Cathy I think I must have been very spoilt. I have more clothes than any one person needs, but at least I appreciate them now.”

  “Didn’t you appreciate them before?”

  “I don’t know! I still don’t remember that much.”

  “And your fiancé, how is that going? Have you remembered why you fell in love with him?” Cathy examined the array of clothes as she questioned Helen.

  “I need a bit more time on that one, but thankfully he’s very patient with me.”

  “So he should be.”

  “Well he loves me.”

  “Ah yes, but you don’t love him.” Cathy said blatantly.

  “Give it time, I’m sure I’ll grow to love him again, one day.” Helen said feebly.

  “And in the meantime life goes on. One-days never come you know. You have to live for today.” Cathy said as she picked up a long black dress with sequins around the midriff and thought it must have cost a fortune. She held it up against her, she was going to look forward to wearing it on her next night out with Juan, whenever that was.

  “So have you been to see Romero yet?” Cathy asked trying to sound casual.

  Helen was quiet, she hadn’t and she hadn’t planned on doing so. However ever since she had driven along the coastal road this morning and realised if she carried on driving it would lead her right to Romero, she had a constant desire to get back in her car and keep on driving until she got there!

  “Aren’t you going to see him whilst you’re here?” Cathy asked surprised, she really thought Helen would want to see him. She was sure she hadn’t been wrong about them, she could see a real connection between the two of them - they had something special.

  “It’s difficult Cathy, I would like to see him but I don’t think it’s such a good idea. Besides, what if he doesn’t want to see me?” She said remembering how Romero had walked away so easily just a few days ago in Estepona.

  “I would bet on that engagement ring of yours that he will want to see you. You know Juan will tell him that you’ve been here. How do you think he will feel if you don’t go and see him?”

  “Hmm, he did come to see me when he was near Estepona recently.”

  “He did?” Cathy jumped in, she was surprised and she didn’t know. “What was he doing there?”

  “He was in the area doing some sightseeing, and he just dropped by.”


  “And what?” Helen knew exactly what Cathy meant.

  “And what happened?”

  “Nothing. He went by my apartment but I wasn’t there, obviously because I’m living at Oliver’s. But then he saw me at the Marina, I was working and I was busy. We said hello and goodbye. That’s all.”

  Cathy looked disappointed. “Why don’t I give him a call and invite him to join us for lunch?”

  Helen thought about that for a moment, the idea of the four of them sitting around a table, laughing over lunch would be lovely, but not realistic. If that happened it would be like a moment of a dream, but then she would have to go back to her real life again, and she didn’t think she could do that! Helen knew she was free to walk away from her old life at any time, but she owed it to Oliver not to - it wasn’t his fault she couldn’t remember the love they once shared. Also, she wasn’t sure if Romero would even want to meet up for lunch for four, considering he had happily walked away from her in Estepona without so much as a look back! Helen swallowed hard as she remembered - she guessed he’d had his fun and was happy enough to move on now. She wondered if he felt that kind of passion with everyone he made love to? Maybe that was just what it was like for him? Helen sighed, she could vaguely remember what it felt like making love to Oliver, it wasn’t very clear but she knew it hadn’t been anything like the way it felt with Romero – with Oliver it had been pleasant enough, gentle and loving, but there hadn’t been that amazing chemistry and passion she had shared with Romero. She quickly pulled her mind away as the feelings of longing encroached again.

  Helen shook her head, “I don’t know if that is a good idea Cathy.”

  “Answer me this Helen. Do you want to see Romero or not?” Cathy couldn’t believe Helen didn’t want to see him - two people who shared a bond like theirs didn’t forget it so easily.

  Helen looked at her seriously. She knew this would probably be the last chance she had to see him, after this too much time would have passed and he would probably forget all about her.

  “Yes, it would be nice to see him. I didn’t get to thank him properly for everything he did for me. Everything happened so quickly when I went back to Estepona, and then I was too surprised when I saw him earlier this week. I think I owe him a proper thank you.” Helen said, grasping at any reason to see him.

  “Okay, I’ll give him a call.”

  “No don’t. Thank you, but no. I’ll go out to his villa. If he’s there then I’ll say hello. If not, then I’ll know it wasn’t meant to be.”

  “Okay, well brunch first though. Let me cook you something, you look like you have lost weight.”

  “No sit down Cathy, you are always doing something. Just sit down and talk to me.”

  “Okay, I’ll get Juan to cook us something to eat, how about that?”

  “Now that sounds good.” Helen laughed as she pulled up a chair at the dining table and watched as her friend excitedly started to try on her new clothes.

  Helen put the roof of her hire car up as the afternoon sun beat down making it too hard to drive along the coastal road comfortably. She had made Cathy promise not to call ahead to Romero to tell her she was coming, she
wanted to leave their meeting to fate. If it was meant to be then Romero would be home and she would see him. If not, then that was the way it was meant to be.

  Helen pulled off the coastal road and into Villajoyosa. She drove through the town and turned into the little road leading to Romero’s villa. At his gate she honked the horn of her car and waited, she knew if he was inside he would hear her since there was nothing else around. She waited for a moment not sure whether she wanted him to be home or not.

  Romero had finished his last night-shift for a while. The ADOCU operation officially started tomorrow – all the plans were in place and Romero had met with his new partner for the operation, so now as far as anyone else was concerned Romero was on holiday. Only Carlos and Miguel knew the real reason for his absence, because it was the same one as theirs. Romero was deep in thought about the operation when he heard a car horn beeping at his gate. He walked away from the suspects’ photographs and paperwork and looked out of the front window; he wasn’t expecting anyone and his senses were on heightened alert. Reaching into his desk drawer he took out his gun and tucked it into the back of his belt. Returning to the window he watched for a moment as the car sat at the gate; he didn’t recognise it and it was hard to see who was driving with its dark tinted windows. Just as he readied himself to go outside and investigate he saw the car door open and the driver step out. Romero waited for a moment to see if anyone else was in the car, and then finally when he was certain the driver was on her own he walked out the door.

  Helen didn’t think Romero could be home, she had waited long enough for him to come to the door if he was, and she was disappointed. She knew she had left it to fate, but that didn’t help the way she felt now. She decided to have a look around for old time’s sake anyway, so she got out of the car and peeked over the gate into his garden, remembering when they had worked on it together. She was just opening the gate when she saw Romero walk out of the front door and she caught her breath. She watched as he purposefully walked towards her, he was shirtless with just a pair of jeans and belt, no shoes. He looked like he hadn’t long been out of the shower and his hair was still a little wet.